If you have a need for transformational or psychotherapeutic training, know that they differ greatly as they affect the human psyche. If you have a vulnerable and sensitive soul, then you need softer trainings. If you are not very vulnerable, but do not consider yourself too strong a person, then trainings of slight or medium hardness are suitable for you. If you are a confident person with a strong unbending core, then you have a direct road to hard training.
Unfortunately, few people indicate such information, but training centers and individual coaches who are members of the International Association of Personality Development Professionals are required to make notes on their websites and in advertising booklets about the degree of rigidity of a particular training.
You need to understand that the louder the name of the trainer and the higher the quality of the training, the higher the price. Of course, this dependence is not always observed, but in general it is a trend. However, what is important is not the cost of the training, but the ratio of its price to the price of solving your problems and acquired knowledge. The more you buy, the better this ratio is. The effect can be anything. In improving health or relationships with others, in acquired professional skills or in improving self-esteem, in income, finally. After all, it’s all expressed in numbers.
If you encounter poor organization at the group formation stage, this is often the result of unprofessionalism. When choosing a training, pay attention to how professionally you were answered. If you call the training center and a random intermediary answers you from your home phone, then you are unlikely to expect high quality services. When sending an application via the Internet, take note of how quickly they answered you, whether they called you back to confirm and clarify the application, whether they reminded you of the upcoming event on the eve of its holding – all these simple rules for a normal organization are in the order of things, but amateur enthusiasts, who want to “save human destinies” often do not fulfill them.
Naturally, it is worth considering the place and time of the training. Some people will have to go to another city or even another country to attend a seminar of a world-famous trainer. Will you be able to leave your family and work during the training?
How to get the most out of training
You will get the maximum benefit from personal growth trainings if you choose the right one for you. The training should be tailored to your needs, which you are experiencing at the moment – to solve actual problems and help develop exactly the skills you need today. Therefore, before looking for a suitable training, do not be too lazy to find out what exactly you need to change or improve in yourself. Preliminary preparation is the key to success! Do a thorough and honest self-analysis. Remember all your recent failures, figure out the reasons that accompanied them, and determine what specific skills or qualities you lacked to avoid them, well, or turn them into victories (by the way, introspection of failures is a much more effective thing than all sorts of visualizations of desires or affirmations).
Thus, you get a fairly complete picture of your own shortcomings, which are also wonderful opportunities for self-development and success. Therefore, the trainings that you will attend should be aimed precisely at eliminating these shortcomings and using these opportunities. Perhaps you need to learn how to control your emotions or eliminate low self-esteem, acquire seduction skills, cope with arrogance, resentment and envy, or maybe you need to learn English … In order for the money not to be wasted and you benefit from the training, decide what really matters to you!
And of course, the most important condition for the effectiveness of training is the need for self-improvement and the desire of a person to independently build a new life.